End of Special Round 2
Fantasian Kingdom Special Round 2 has finally ended and it ended with a big bang! There are so many things that have happened so I will try to tell it all in this one post.
First about Phyrexian Snowcrusher, John’s province, was made a kill target by Mr. Beowulf and received a barrage of nuclear missiles. The attack was not unexpected since somebody in the public forum has already hinted about the attack coming.
John’s province was too big for them to assault, so they have to be satisfied with launching nuclear missiles against him. Their alliance (Bodacious body) declared war against our alliance (Deathproof) first before they launch most of the missiles. Unlike in galaxies ablaze, where some missiles can take out military units, nuclear missiles in Fantasian kingdom can only take out some land, a lot of population, and resources. This means that if a target has enough space for his soldiers after those missiles hit; Mr. John’s military units won’t disband and he would have been ready to retaliate. But whether any of Mr. John’s units disbanded or not, he lost a lot of Networth value, making him fall from the top spot to around 3-5th place.
I was just finishing updating my GA account at that time when I first login to my FK account. I was worried for Mr. John and decided to help him. It was an earlier part of the hour, meaning 1-15 minutes past the last hour, so I decided to delay my attack and wait bit. I was taking advantage of my province’s fast return time and the game’s hourly tick.
What do I mean? My province, shattered lands, has a fast return time. Example, instead of a full 14 tick return time, it would be 7-12 hours return time. Also, if I had attack at 9:01 am, I would have to wait 1 hour and 59 minutes for the first general to return. If I attack on 9:59 am, I would only have to wait about 1 hour and 1 minute. That means my military will arrive faster bolstering my defenses sooner.
I decided to continue updating my GA account while waiting for my attack time since I know it won’t take long to update it (I’m using the turtle strategy this round, so it did not took long to update my planet). Before I was finish, I received a message from Mr. John to help him to counter attack those who missile him. I messaged him back that I will, after I finish updating my GA account. It did not take long for me to receive a reply asking if I will help after he receives a few more missiles. Cute boy. :D
I decided not to make Mr. John wait and attack the first planet after the war was declared. I spied then assaulted Mr. Beowulf. It must be noted that Mr. Beowulf was not the first province to attack Mr. John with missiles. But I did not notice that since I was looking for attackers AFTER the war was declared.
I message Mr. John that I already attack and waited for whatever retaliation Mr. Beowulf would bring. Again I received a message from Mr. John asking if I would change the nation’s initiative; from economics initiative to the offensive initiative. I told him that I don’t touch the initiative and I just follow what Mr. Selur would choose for the nation’s initiative since it was Mr. Selur’s nation. Mr. John replied back that he does not care what Mr. Selur thinks and I should hurry changing the nation’s initiative. Sighing and hoping Mr. Selur won’t mind, I changed the initiative. Later, Mr. John assaulted an enemy province.
A few minutes later, my brother Jess, ask me if he could use the computer for a moment and chat with someone for a few minutes. I said okay and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of milk. When I returned; my brother was finish and I took the seat in front of the computer again.
I was surprise to find out that Mr. John was kick out of our nation. I message Mr. John what happened and he message me back that Mr. Selur kick him out and he sent a copy of the message he sent to Mr. Selur.
I read the message and understood a little as to why Mr. Selur kick him out. There was some bad words in that message. But then I understood Mr. John too. He was understandably upset about being missile and was hoping for support and yet felt betrayed. Mr. John messaged me that he can’t enter the nation anymore and that the password was changed. He later deleted his province.
Mr. Beowulf later announced that they would be surrender and they only declared war to attack Mr. John.
Later, as I continued attacking provinces that sent their generals out, I received a message from Mr. Beowulf warning me about my attacks against him. I must have hit his province a little too much. I decided to leave him alone for a while, maybe give him about a day or two before I attack him again. =D But I was surprise that he sneak attack me a few hours later. I countered and grab more land from him then he grab from me. He and Ms. Jewley then launch some nuclear missiles against me, and fortunately, I manage to block all their attacks. I thought to myself, they are just letting off some steam, since I grab a lot of lands from them those past few days and let them go at that.
A few days later Mr. Beowulf suicide on Iced Beer and then Ms. Jewley launch a suicide attack against Iced Beer. This made Iced Beer to delete his province. I managed to make Ms. Jewley pay for her suicide, and she paid dearly, by assaulting her 4x. 8 hours later, Mr. Beowulf sneak attack (suicide) me, with three of my generals at home and the last one coming home at the next hour. Mr. Beowulf paid dearly too! Hee hee!
By this time, they must have realized that they can’t sneak attack me, especially with my province’s fast return time and with my 54% offensive bonus. So they content themselves with launching missiles against me. But thanks to Mr. Schoochi2 I manage to block all but 4 or 5 nuclear missiles.
Then the Fantasian Kingdoms Specialty Round 2 ended. Guess what? I WIN! Although it is not recorded as a natural round, it is still in the personal archive and special round archive. Hurray! ^_^
Here is my data.
Viewing Networth Scores
Pos. Province Nation Networth
1 Big Mama [8:9] Deathproof 23,415,762 <<<<< Me
2 Pooned [4:4] Deathproof 20,616,914
3 Sarge [7:2] Rampage 20,604,382
4 Everwatchful Eye [9:4] Bodacious Bodies 11,745,707
5 Fiendish Fingers [8:7] Bodacious Bodies 11,621,840
6 Carnage [9:1] Rampage 11,464,884
7 Pietown [5:8] The Brotherhood 7,402,441
8 NOD [6:9] The Brotherhood 4,409,115
9 Feral Femur [0:1] Bodacious Bodies 3,430,996
10 Bully Bully [4:8] Rampage 2,222,715
Pos. Province Nation Land
1 Big Mama [8:9] Deathproof 42,033
2 Pooned [4:4] Deathproof 36,056
3 Sarge [7:2] Rampage 31,351
4 Carnage [9:1] Rampage 18,313
5 Fiendish Fingers [8:7] Bodacious Bodies 15,670
6 Everwatchful Eye [9:4] Bodacious Bodies 14,804
7 Pietown [5:8] The Brotherhood 14,150
8 NOD [6:9] The Brotherhood 13,893
9 Feral Femur [0:1] Bodacious Bodies 11,799
10 North Rushaa [4:1] [Independent] 10,000
Congratulation to me! ^_^
At 4:01 AM,
APriestOfGix said…
sorry zark, i TRIED to save you, by just deleting, and they said they would stop the war, but they didn't...
At 9:44 PM,
Zarklonius said…
It’s alright. I won didn’t I? ^_^
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