Mr. Meldrew’s Complaint
Mr. Meldrew complained about my attack against him, 10 minutes after he got out of newbie mode, and with my land size twice bigger then his. He said something about how I only attack provinces a lot smaller then me.
Here is his post:
...there is less that 10 active players EA.
Big Mama 25,000 land
Obviously Active Newbie 10,000 land
Mar 29, 2007
12:06 AM i proclaim my genius [8:0] has been Assaulted by Big Mama [8:9], and has lost 439 Land.
Mar 29, 2007
12:05 AM i proclaim my genius [8:0] has been Assaulted by Big Mama [8:9], and has lost 542 Land.
out of noob for 5 minutes well done mate, are you trying to kill this game single handedly? BRAVO!
First, I do attack provinces above the 60% size limit. I attack Ms. Jewlye’s province in a suicide attack. A pretty risky shot that could have reduce my province haft the size it was.
Earlier that morning, I spied on Ms. Jewlye province and Mr. Beowulf, and found out that Mr. Beowulf’s generals are all out. Each one of those generals won’t be back for the next +10 hours. But his province was too strong to assault.
Ms. Jewlye’s province was different. I could have assaulted her but it would mean sending haft of my military units to successfully assault her. I decided against it because I would be open for retaliation from Mr. Sarge and from Ms. Jewlye’s himself (Ms. Jewlye has only 1 general out and would be returning in the next 2-3 hours).
Ms. Jewlye must have message Mr. Beo and he sent me a warning.
Everwatchful Eye [9:4]
Mar 27, 2007
5:10 PM Attack Fiendish, and I'll attack you. :-)
- Beowulf
Mr. Beowulf must have forgotten or did not notice that I had just taken his SOM (Status of Military) and I know that all of his generals are out and won’t be returning until all of my generals have returned if I decided to attack Ms. Jewlye. Hee hee!
So I sent him this message:
Everwatchful Eye [9:4]
Mar 27, 2007
5:40 PM What will your generals do? Teleport? ^_^
- Grandma
Mr. Beowuf replied in good humor.
Everwatchful Eye [9:4]
Mar 27, 2007
5:42 PM Yes, I have enabled the "Attack Anyone" feature, so can make any of my generals return home at any time to attack anyone. ;-)
- Beowulf
I decided to be honest with him.
Everwatchful Eye [9:4]
Mar 27, 2007
5:44 PM Hee hee! Actually I wasn’t planning on attacking her yet. I would be too open. Maybe later. :p
- Grandma
Mr. Beowulf replied.
Everwatchful Eye [9:4]
Mar 27, 2007
5:48 PM Then maybe later I'll attack you back. ;-)
- Beowulf
After that, I decided to log-out and eat my breakfast. A couple of hours later, I login and look for a target. I spied on Ms. Jewlye’s province and found out that she sent her generals out. I also know that Mr. Sarge sent his generals out.
With everyone that could possibly retaliate on my attack, has all their generals out, this means that I could take a risky shot. Thanks to Mr. Priest urging, finding a target wasn’t too hard, so I took a shot.
Mar 27, 2007
11:30 PM Big Mama [8:9] has Assaulted Fiendish Fingers [8:7], and has gained 1632 Land!
For the next 1 or 2 hours after my attack, I had only forty-two thousand (42000) grunts for defense. I can’t exactly remember our networth at that time, but I remember that I was only less than a million bigger then her. She has more than 100k units at her disposal and the other bigger guys have more than that against my 42k defense. Risky right? Mr. Priest sent 34-39k grunt encampments to add to my defense but they did not take effect immediately. Fortunately I was able to get away with it. Thank you!
True to his word Mr. Beowulf did indeed retaliated my attack.
Mar 28, 2007
5:16 AM Big Mama [8:9] has been Sneak Attacked by Everwatchful Eye [9:4], and has lost 485 Land.
Regrettably for Mr. Beowulf, three of the four of my generals were already home, and the fourth one will return in the next tick. That means I had a good defense when he attack, and will be able to retaliate on the next tick. So the next tick.
Mar 28, 2007
6:40 AM Big Mama [8:9] has Assaulted Everwatchful Eye [9:4], and has gained 1805 Land!
Hurray! That was the biggest successful assault so far this round and I got safely away with it. Cool huh? At the time of my attack, Mr. Beowulf’s province was way bigger then me. Too bad for him that he sent too many military units out and let someone with over +40% attack bonus know about it. ^_^
Going back to the original subject, I do not only attack small provinces that just came out of newbie. I do attack big provinces. The only problem is I can’t keep doing it with consistency and not expect grave consequences. And I need more lands, lots of it, but I can’t explore to get it.
That is why when two provinces came out of newbie mode. I did not hesitate to attack both of them twice.
Mar 29, 2007
12:06 AM Big Mama [8:9] has Assaulted i proclaim my genius [8:0], and has gained 439 Land!
Mar 29, 2007
12:05 AM Big Mama [8:9] has Assaulted i proclaim my genius [8:0], and has gained 542 Land!
Mar 29, 2007
12:01 AM Big Mama [8:9] has Assaulted snakes [0:9], and has gained 470 Land!
Mar 29, 2007
12:01 AM Big Mama [8:9] has Assaulted snakes [0:9], and has gained 587 Land!
With the current Special Mod and my latest attacks; I had no better option. This round was designed so that players have no choice but to attack other provinces or be attack.
I have gone against the odds playing FK and I’m still here. I have gone toe to toe with Mr. Priest (See how many times we assaulted each other in less then two days in speed round). I have stand and fought against Mr. Selur and his brother when they were bigger then me (over twice my size when it first happened) and no one, not a single one of my team mates help me (they care for their networth or too afraid to help); fought even after they bash my province to a pulp and still fought on. All of this happened in a normal or speed round where everyone can explore. So for Mr. Meldrew to complain about being bash in a special round where exploration is not possible and targets have bigger team mates and are willing and able to assault you because of your -15 defense handicap (not to mention thirst for revenge); I find Mr. Meldrew’s trouble as a trifle thing.
Some of you readers might agree or disagree with me on this. But quite frankly, I don’t give a care. Put in the same situation, I’ll do it again. But if there is any consolation Mr. Meldrew, I don’t bash active provinces that come out of newbie in a normal round, even if they were late in signing up. So if next round will be a NORMAL round, then you can expect me to play in a way you are USE to. But if it is another SPECIAL round like this one, then toot~toot. I suggest you adapt to the way the game is played Mr. Meldrew, just like I did, because the game won’t adapt to you. Otherwise you will need a large pile of tissue paper Mr. Meldrew. Spank! Spank! :P
At 4:26 AM,
APriestOfGix said…
im with you, i said the same thing, sometimes the easy land is needed, cause the hard land is just that hard.
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