My Fantasian Kingdoms Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Fantasian Kingdoms.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Specialty Round 2 (Mar 19, 2007)

This round is a special round. Meaning this round is under some special rules to make it more exciting then the ordinary rounds and speed rounds. Here are the special rules:

- All Research instantly completed (minus the top researches).
- 10,000 Land
- Cannot explore lands.

With that rule, I feel this round will end faster then the speed round. When everyone comes out of newbie; it is going to be ugly. Hee hee!

Monday, March 19, 2007

End of Speed Round 4

This round is about to end, and for all the inactivity here in the last leg of the round, it has been a fun round. A lot of province bigger then me became inactive, thus elevating me up the ranks. Hee hee! Only problem is the number one spot is always within my grasp but still no cigar. Phooey!

I heard the next round will be another specialty round. I bet it’s going to be a blast, so anyone interested in playing this game should register and play now to get a hand of it. Then register later for the new round. See you later!

Fantasian Kingdoms: Speed round 4 will end on March 19th, 2007 at 3:00 PM.