My Fantasian Kingdoms Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Fantasian Kingdoms.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Fantasian Kingdoms: Round 5

What round 5? What happened to that speed round 2? How did it end!? Hee hee! Well, it is rather another tragedy for my province. It died because inactivity. :(

Being allied to selur and friends had a great affect on my province. For the first time, I became the strongest province in FK! Yay!

Unfortunately, I became a kill target by them again (thanks to my brother) when I was accidentally thrown out of the nation and was forced to join another. Although I was losing my fight with them at the time, I learned a thing or two on how to fight better. Hint: It has something to do with buildings!

Before I could fully apply and enjoy my wars with them (selur and friends); I had to go inactive because I have to study for my first periodical exam.

Now round 5 had just started and this time I plan to see it the whole way through. ~~