My Fantasian Kingdoms Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Fantasian Kingdoms.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Speed Round 2

Fantasian Kingdoms is now in “speed mode”. This means that every haft an hour is a tick instead of the usual full hour. Speed Round 2 is fast and furious. I guess it can be said to be like the lightning rounds in galaxies ablaze.

Early this round, I posted in the alliance forum that I would try and emulate the last round top planets strategy. Why? In order to win this game, I must first need to learn how the big boys do it. How can I grow big if I limit myself to certain strategies? How can I implement my will if I’m not big? Besides, in the jackal national forum, I posted that the top three should be taken down immediately. When I saw that the three of them left their nations and banded together, I knew this would be like round 2. I also knew that if nobody takes action against them now, they would be unstoppable later. When the reaction I got was not to take action for now as there is a plan to take them down later; I gave up the idea of taking down the top three. The opposition against Selur and friends was complacent. They think it’s too early and since they have the biggest and strongest province, Civilizations In Space [7:5], and several of their province is in the top ten, they thought they have more time. I knew they were wrong. I told the jackal president to just give up and even suggested that “If you can’t beat them. Join them.”

When I posted my sentiments, about growing big and doing what Selur and his posse was doing to grow big in the public forum, Selur ask if I mean about growing big like them, I said yes and later I got an invitation from Selur to join them. I did not think long about it and accepted the invitation. I must admit, I was very curious on how their nation operates. What I saw was a cohesive group of provinces working together. That nation is filled with active planets. Unlike the other nations I’ve been to. They have identified their biggest threats and had systematically taken them all down.

The nation of TARGET (the nation I’m in with Selur) brought down our biggest threats including the biggest province (bigger then selur and sarge) Civilizations In Space [7:5]. The attack against the targets was systematic. Civilizations In Space [7:5] was first bombarded with aggressive spy operation. Destroying his farms to make his military units to disband was a great idea (even the smaller provinces participated in this operation). Later, when enough of Civilizations In Space [7:5] troops has desserted, the top guns of TARGET started sneak attacking and assaulted him. When he was down, the other top provinces were targeted until there is no more opposition worth talking about.

Congratulation again to Selur, Sarge, and Screw. It seems they will win this round again. They all did a great job along with the other provinces of Target. I only ask is that, now that there is no major opposition, they should be more careful with their attacks (especially repeat attacks), so as not to ruin other players from enjoying this game and drive them away.

Funny thing is, Mr. Beowulf commented in the public forum that if he was playing in round 3 at that time, Mr. Selur and group would not have been able to dominate that round. He also blamed the lack of organize opposition to stop Mr. Selur’s group. I told him why they can’t be stop that time but I don’t know if he believe.

This fast round, Mr. Beowulf is playing as The Cheat [3:0], and there is a plan to oppose Mr. Selur’s group. But nobody took my advice so this round is a repeat of round 2. Hate to say it Mr. Beowulf but “I told you so”. Hee hee! ~~

The site of Fantasy Kingdoms is down right now. Maybe fixing a bug or something. But the last time I look, I was 4th place in the largest and strongest province, right next to the top three Selur, Sarge, and Screw.