My Fantasian Kingdoms Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Fantasian Kingdoms.

Friday, November 09, 2007


Sorry, I miss the flash round. It was too fast! Really fast! 1 minute per tick is just too fast and not everyone has the time to sit the whole day through just to play it from start to finish. Sorry Mr. Beo. I’ll try to play next time.

Note: I managed to register and even play a few minutes of the flash round. But a few minutes after I came out of newbie (I was already in a blitz war with one province in a nation that has the two other members. There were 4 active players me and that three member nation. Hee hee!) I was invited by my friends to go out on a gimmick with them. That is when I decided to stop playing and go out with them. After packing my things in my bag, I remembered that I forgot to delete my account. When I checked it, I read a news that I was attack by my rival for that round (don’t know her name.) I did a nasty thing and attack her first before deleting. Hee hee! Whose bad? >D


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