My Fantasian Kingdoms Experience

This is my online diary about my story and experience while playing that truly entertaining online game Fantasian Kingdoms.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Fantasian Kingdom: Speed Round 5.

The new round has already started in this great game Fantasian Kingdom. This round is a speed round, meaning every tick is equal to haft an hour, instead of the usual an hour a tick, which means it’s two times faster than an ordinary round.

Mr. Beowulf added some new features to the game like entertainers, and he also added some pictures in the game; giving it a nice look.

Overall, FK is a great game with a nice layout and appearance, along with a good mechanic. It is so fun and entertaining that you would expect people to flock this site and play it. But that is not so.

Although Mr. Beowulf paid for some advertisement for this round, and even though there were many people that signed up for the game, only few are actively playing.

Anyway, active or not, I’m having fun with this game. I grab some lands left and right early in the round; singing all the way, hee hee! This put me in the top 4 quickly. I would have been in the top spot if my people had not revolted 3 times! One lasting for more than 9 hours! Since I am using a pop strategy, and there are no taxes while your people are revolting, I was in a very sad state. Phooey! Penniless, with no food or oil reserved, and some military units disbanding; I was in despair those few hours. Fortunately, robbing inactive planets sustained me through the entire ordeal.

Somehow, I have recovered from that economic plunged and is back on track again. But some of the planets grew very big and will be difficult to catch up. Like speedy Gonzales here. His planet is twice the size of my planet! Bah! I need to think of a plan to grow bigger then him. Let you know more tomorrow. Bye! ~_~


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